"When I first saw his work I threw out my dip pen and nibs."
Gerald Scarfarkle, cartoonist

"Peter is the best cartoonist in the world and I'm not just saying that because he saved my cat."
Heidi Kleinlapper, supermodel

"With an erratic yet poignant frivolity Peter’s cartoons hold us in benumbed, emotional limbo until, gently nudged by the elbow of whimsicality, we smile."
Mariella Bergerbun, art and literary critic

"For an internationally-acclaimed celebrity cartoonist I'm surprised at what a regular, likeable guy he is!"
Martin Drupworth, editor, Dude Magazine

"Me and the kids ran into Pete at a Spurs-Arsenal match and he drew a cartoon on their arms! How cool was that?"
Gary Winklepicker, football pundit

"He drew a card for my gran's 102nd birthday which I know she would have treasured."
Charles Mountbiggles-Winsler, king

"Peter's cartoons brought me back from the brink of despair and I can finally laugh again."
Tiger Woodles, golfer

"I vas gettink verra bored ven Donalt vas at verk all day insa Vite House but Peter’s cartoons make me so amuse I just laugh and laugh and laugh. I don’t know vhat I vould do vitout zem."
Melonia Trunk, wife of Donald J Trunk

"Peter is a diamond. He talked me into changing my ways. The day I handed him my bathrobe was the first step in me becoming a better man."
Harvey Steenwiener, film producer

"Peter’s 'Dead Froggie' T-shirt is the dog’s bollocks. I wear mine to gigs and even got one for my partner Daryl. I'd love to make a album with him some day. Peter not Daryl."
Elton Stubbs, rock star